A Christmas dream - An online children's story

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The next morning, Lulu got up very early. He got his backpack ready, in which he put his letter and his lunch – it was a long journey, after all. He said goodbye to his parents and started off.

It was still cold, but the sun had started to rise over the ice pack. Far off in the distance, Lulu spied the hill. It looked like it was a million miles away! But the brave, determined little bear kept on walking, although he was already exhausted. He went a little further and then decided to have a quick break. He sat down on a little block of ice and set his backpack down next to him. The sun’s rays warmed his hands and face just a bit.

He was so tired he closed his eyelids and dropped off to sleep. When he opened them again, he was seized with panic! The sun had melted the ice, and all around him there was nothing but water, it was like being trapped on a tiny island!

Lulu seul au monde, sur une minuscule petite île...
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